Blog / AWS

AWS EBS gp2 to gp3

Migrate AWS EBS Volume from gp2 to gp3. Save Up To 20% On Cost On EBS.

 · 2 min read

  1. Elastic Block Storage (EBS) provides solid state drives (SSD) and hard disk drives (HDD) for EC2 instances. In December 2020, AWS announced another volume type called General Purpose SSD (gp3).​
  2. So now there are three volume types based on SSDs: gp2, gp3, and io2.
  3. Some guidance on how to select the volume type that fits best for your workload.
  4. The volume type gp2 is outdated. A gp3 volume is more cost-effective and predictable as it does not come with burstable performance.
  5. The volume type io2 is expensive but much more durable. On top of that, an io2 volume provides a SLA on the provisioned throughput. Therefore, I recommend io2 for production-critical database workloads.
  6. Once the logging is sent to one of the destinations , We can then use that data for further analysis.


You’ll save money on the upgrade from gp2 to gp3. Here I’ve mentioned price comparison – Mumbai region

gp2 cost : Storage = 0.114$ per GB month

gp3 cost : Storage = 0.0912$ per GB month


While AWS says gp3 delivers up to 20% lower price-point over gp2, in reality the price advantage is somewhere between 7 and 20% depending on IOPS and throughput required in addition to baseline.

Changes By AWS CLI

Using the AWS CLI, you can change the volume type with a command like that below:

$ aws ec2 modify-volume –volume-type gp3 -volume-id vol-11111111111111111

To check progress of the modification (e.g. percent complete, and start/end times), use the command below:

$ aws ec2 describe-volumes-modifications –volume-id vol-11111111111111111

Changes By AWS GUI

Precaution – Take a snapshot of volume which you change volume type. It’s optional. Refer below image, to get idea about changes,

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